Antonio Luis Climent Albaladejo التطبيقات

Orion 1.0
3 dimension game in the classic subject of asteroides.To pilot your craft, the device must be sloped to left,right,front or behind.You can fire a lasser weapon toward the asteroids touchingthescreen in the center of the asteroid.Images from Wikimedia Commons: from
Mean and standard deviation Daisy
This application allows you to calculate themean, variance and standard deviation in samples of small size.After each value press the button ENTER. To get the results,press the button ENTER with an empty value.Use the C button to clear the value that you are entering at themoment. If you press C again, the last value which has already beenentered it will be deleted.Press the N button to begin to introduce a new sample.
t test Daisy
The Student t test is used for comparing themeans of two small samples (here, with sizes from 2 to 60).To enter or change a text or a value, press on it, introduce thenew text or value, and press again on it to make effective thechangeOnce data are been introduced, press button ONE TAIL or buttonTWO TAILS to obtain the results.Use TWO TAILS if your work hypothesis is validated with deviationsin any of the two directions.Use ONE TAIL if your work hypothesis is validated only in onedirection (p.e. You expect an improvement of patients after thetreatment).
The application generates random fractions todivide and you must enter numerator and denominator of thequotient.
The application allows you introduce andmodify data of a contingency table (2 x 2) and analyse therelationship between two ordinal or nominal dichotomous variables.The option "observed" shows the table of data introduced withmarginal totals.The option "expected" shows the table of expected data.The option "chi square" shows the table with observed data,expected data, differences, square differences and the quotientsbetween square differences and expected values which total sum isthe chi square estimated.If the value of chi square is high enough we can reject the nullhypothesis and say that probably the differences are significantand there is a relationship between the two variables.In the example you see when the application is installed, we cansay that probably there are significant differences between men andwomen buying in internet at Spanish homes.
The conversion from radians to degrees and vice versa can be see asa case of equivalent ratios or fractions; or as a case ofproportions. The application works as a calculator, but it givesyou an explanation to understand how to apply fractions, ratios andproportions to solve a conversion problem, as well as to expressdegrees with decimals on degrees, minutes and seconds.
Multiplying Fractions 1.5
This app allow you to visualize themultiplication of two fractions that are less than one. You canread the presentation image as THE HALF OF A HALF IS A QUARTER,MULTIPLY, in the menu bar, allow you to try addition exercises.Fractions are randomly generated by the app.Use the signs + and - to change numerator and denominatorvalues. When there are two lines of signs, the first one is fornumerator and the second one for denominator.NEXT allow you to get a new problem.
LINEAR EQUATIONSLearning linear equations and their representation in coordinateplane. The application generates about 5000 different problems withan easy solution in wich x and y are integers between -8 and 8.HOW TO solve an equation/system step by step.SYSTEM allow you change between linear equations and linearequation systems.SCORE, put the score to zero.NEXT, allow get a new problem.+/- allow change the sign of the digit that you enter.
Multiply 1.0
This application allows to practicemulti-digits multiplication.The option of DIGITS is used to change number of digits ofmultiplicand and multiplier.SCORE sets digits to 2 and 1; and score to zero.MISTAKES is used to begin a new multiplication each time thatthe user make a mistake.HOMEWORK allows send by email 10 operations.LAST is used to send by email the last activity, with scores andmistakes.LINKS provides some additional information and describes theoptions.LAST and LINKS features are not included in the freeapplication.Also, the application has the following changes:A new interface.Begins in a lower level to promote learning of children who seemultiplication for the first time.More feedback to users with messages about failures and rightanswers wider than in previous version.Uses "text to speech" to improve messages understanding when thesound is active.
SETS Daisy
The application generates random problemsabout sets:With MEMBERSHIP, you must say an element of the set Awith SUBSETS, you must decide if the set A is a subset of Bwith UNION you have to enter an element of A U Bwith INTERSECTION you have to enter an element of A ∩ Bwith DIFFERENCE you have to enter an element of A - Bwith CARDINALITY you must know the cardinality of a setwith CARTESIAN PRODUCT you have to complete a pair (a, b) of thecartesian product of two setsThe application guide you throughout the different problems.
This application allows you to calculate correlation between twovariables in samples of small size. After each value press thebutton. To get the results, press the button "enter" with an emptyvalue. Use the C button to clear the value that you are entering atthe moment. If you press C again, the last value/pair which hasalready been entered it will be deleted. Press the N button tobegin to introduce a new sample.
Arithmetic progressions Anthericum
The Android application generates randomnumbers and ask you to enter the following term of an arithmeticprogression.A more advanced problem consists in entering the value of the askedterm.
DIVISIONS You can easily learn how to divide multi-digit numbersusing iberian or french box. You can change de number of digits ofdividend and divisor. You can select the option of continue orstart if you make mistakes.
Kaleidoscope 2.5
Simple game. Just touch the screen in different places to generatea kaleidoscope. Touch different places on the screen. Turn thescreen to start again. SYMMETRY: Select lines of symmetry SIZE:Select circle size. COLOR: Select color circle. INTENSITY: Selectcolor intensity. BACKGROUND: Select background color. SAVE: Saveimage. RECOVER: Recover saved image.
Learn and practice numbers (natural, whole,integer, rational, irrational, real and imaginary).A switch allows change from concepts to assessment.The application generates random numbers to check yourknowledge.Text to speech makes the application be friendly to users.
Division of fractions Daisy
The application generates fractions randomly.You must press the "check" button to see if your answer isright.When you press the "new" button, a new random fractions aregenerated.When you press the "new" button twice, score is set to zero.A simple interface, text to speech included, helps students withtheir learning.
One variable equations Daisy
The Android application randomlygenerateslinear equations with one variable.Choice: allow you select the right solution.Solve: you have to press enter button after writingthesolution.The application displays the correct solution and how toachieveit.
Multiplication of Fractions Daisy
The application generates random fractions.You must press the CHECK button to see if your answerisright.When you press the NEW button, a new random fractionsaregenerated.When you press the NEW button twice, score is set to zero.A simple interface, text to speech included, helps studentswiththeir learning.
Numbers and letters 1.2
Numbers and letters for kindergartenKnow and pronounce numbers and lettersNumbers 1, 2, 3Numbers 0-9VowelsUppercase vowelsLetters of the alphabetCapital letters of the alphabet
Polygon 1.5
POLYGONCommon core standard in math 6th grade, part of the 6.G.3"Drawpolygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates forthevertices".It's a game with 4 levels.1.- You draw triangles touching on the screen. App tell youifthey are scalenes, isosceles, acute, obtuse or right.2.- App give you pairs (x,y) of vertices to draw triangles.3.- You must draw the required triangle (scalenes,isosceles,acute, obtuse or right).4.- App give you pairs (x,y) to draw quadrilaterals,pentagonsand hexagons.You increase your score with right answers and doing thejobquickly. At the end you get your total score.
Each column and row has to have got allthedigits, letters or figures; as well as has to happen ineachcoloured square.If the number is correct, score will increase.You have to press NEW to generate a new sudoku.The application generates sudoku randomly,withoutrestrictions.Numbers, letters and shapes in colour help children tounderstandand make sudokus.Colored areas help to see the possible outcome for eachsite,allowing children to think and deduce the solution.Teachers and parents see the evolution if they use emailtofollow the activities and the results.Level is increased automatically, but can be adjusted totheinitial figures at any time.The use of different letters and shapes help toincreaseattention in the activities of children.The LETTERS option in the menu bar generates sudokuswithletters.The SHAPES option in the menu bar uses different shapesinsudokus.Numbers option generates sudokus with numbers.The SOLUTION option in the menu bar shows solution inanytime.The SCORE option in the menu bar sets the lowest level andscoreto zero.The Email option allows send the last activity withtheapplication.
BUNCO Anthericum
There are six rounds, progressing in order from one to six, wherethe number of the round serves as the target for that round'srolls. Within a round, players alternate turns rolling three dice,aiming to obtain the target number. Players gain one point for eachdice matching the target. If the player gets three of a kind of thetarget number, he declares a Bunco and gets 21 points. The roundstops when a player obtains 21 points. Whoever wins the most roundsis the overall winner. This is a version with two players: you andyour device.
- More than 20 levels allow to solvesudokuseven by novel players.- Different colours divide the square areas that must containallthe digits, from 1 to 9.- Score with correct answers.- Score with wrong answers.- If you enter a wrong number, this will be displayed inred.- Level is changed automatically up on your results, but canalsobe changed in the bar menu.- Your level is stored for the next sudoku.
Each column and row has to have got allthenine digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; and the same hastohappen in each coloured square.First you select the blank space that you want to fill withanumber, then press any of the button in the green area withthenumber of your choice.If the number is correct you increase the score ofcorrectanswers, otherwise you increase the score of wronganswers.You can increase or decrease the level or difficulty ofthesudoku.You have to press NEW to generate a new sudoku.The application generates sudoku randomly,withoutrestrictions.The option 'SOLUTION' in the menu bar allows to get solutiontothe sudoku in any time. This feature is IDEAL FOR EDITORofmagazines or papers with printed sudokus.More than 350000 different solutions and millions of sudokus
Addition Tables: count to 20 Daisy
Count from 1 to 20 is all you need tolearnaddition arithmetic tables. This application help yourlearning.The button of TABLE OF 1 shows table of 1, TABLE OF 2 showstableof 2 and so on.The PROBLEMS button generates a random question about thelasttable used and visualizes a CHECK button beside an space toplaceyour answer.The CHECK button must be pressed to know if your answerisright.The interface include text to speech.On the screen bottom there is a button to interact withthevoice. This feature improves learning of children who don't readordon't write correctly and children with some visiondifficulty.The voice commands are:HELP to listen the commands that can be used by voice.TABLE OF 1 to listen the table of 1.TABLE OF 2, TABLE OF 3 ... TABLE OF 10 are similar.PROBLEMS to listen a question about the last table used.Toanswer this question you must press the VOICE button again andsaythe answer.ALL OF THEM to listen a question about any of the tenadditiontables.BEGINNING to listen how to count 1, 2 and .. (You mustpressVOICE button and say 3). Next time you ask for BEGINNING youlisten1,2,3 and .. and so on until 20.COUNTING ask you to count three number, as 1, 2 and ...(youranswer 3), beginning in any number.SCORE to set the score to zero.The last four commands don't have an equivalent button andonlycan be used by VOICE.The possibility of interact with the voice is a greatincentiveto children.Internet connexion is needed.
A stock index at a given time is a ratioofprices of the constituent elements in relation to the prices inthereference instant when the index began.It indicates the value of a basket elements, notwhetherevolution of that value is good or bad.To evaluate the performance of the index in the last 52 weeks,wecalculate the ratio between what has risen from the minimum andthedifference between the maximum and the minimum of 52 weeks.This indicator will be corrected, penalizing a part based onasimilar ratio refered to the current session (or last); andpartlybased on the percentage that represents the range of 52 weeksinrelation to the current price, in the event that does not exceedacertain predetermined threshold.
Simplifying fractions Anthericum
Android application generates randomly fractions and asks yousimplify them.
Expressions and terms Daisy
You have an special and big button atthebottom of the screen to use your VOICE to ask for an optionoranswer a question.On the left of the screen there are 11 buttons to do thesamethings as you can do with analogous voice commands. The tenfirstbuttons, EXPRESSION, TERM, POLYNOMIAL, etc. show basicconcepts onthe screen that you can listen them, as well, thank totext tospeech feature. The last button, PROBLEMS, displays aproblem thatyou must answer and visualizes an space to write youranswer andanother button, CHECK, that you must press later to knowif youranswer is right. Instead of use this tactile interface, youcanpress the VOICE button to say the answer using your voice.In addition of the commented buttons, you can use twovoicecommands that don't have an equivalent button:HELP. Press the voice button and say "help" and you canlistenthe complete list of the VOICE COMMANDS.SCORE. Press the voice button and say "score" to set thistozero.You can mix tactile and voice interfaces to yourconvenience.The possibility of interact with the voice is a greatincentiveto children and improves learning of children who don'tread ordon't write correctly or children with some visiondifficulty.Internet connexion is needed.
Multi-digit division Daisy
This application allows to practice multi-digits division using thestandard algorithm. The interface has been simplified as much ashas been possible. The application starts in an screen with adivisor of 1 digit and the instructions to make the proposeddivision. When you press the back button, the application shows thescreen with the simplest task and you can display a dropdown menuwith all the available options: "FORMING GROUPS THAT ARE EQUAL INSIZE" introduces you the concept of division. "DIVIDEND, DIVISORAND QUOTIENT" captures these three concepts with practice."REMAINDER" is another concept that emerges in the same way whenthe division of integer numbers is not exact. "WORK WITH DIVISOR OF2 DIGITS" allows practice the standard algorithm with this kind ofdivision. "WORK WITH DIVISOR OF 3 DIGITS" and "WORK WITH DIVISOR OF4 DIGITS" are similar to the previous one. "HOMEWORK" allows sendby email some divisions and its results with the number of digitsused last time. "SCORE TO ZERO" to reset the saved bookmark. Theapplication uses a lot of feedback by text and text to speech,allowing that students can follow easily the development ofarithmetic operations.
Highest Common Divisor Daisy
The Android application helps you to understand how to calculatethe Highest Common Divisor using the prime factor decomposition ofthe numbers.
Angles Anthericum
Acute, right, obtuse, straight,complementary,supplementary and congruent angles
Prime factors Y2017
App generates simple random numbers to be decomposed into theirprime factors. You can go on step by step, beginning from thelowest factor to the highest one. You can enter your number to befactored.
The GRAPHICS option shows the sine, cosine and tangent of an anglein a circle of radius equal to one. You can use this graphic as aninteractive trigonometric tables by touching on the circle or byentering the angle value in degrees. The RIGHT TRIANGLE optiondescribes how to calculate sine and cosine in a right triangle andasks you to estimate some values. The option GRAPHING FUNCTIONSaccesses the representation of the trigonometric functions onCartesian coordinate axes (abscissa and ordinate axes). You canselect the function that you want to represent (sine, cosine andtangent), modify its amplitude, period or midline, obtaining itsrepresentation and the display of the corresponding function (forexample: f (x) = 1 + 3 sine 2x ). It also has several HELPS andvisualization of the most relevant IDENTITIES of trigonometricfunctions.
The Android application generates randomquantities and you have to calculate what is the percentage betweenthe first quantity and the second quantity (numerator /denominator).Also, the application generates random problem asking you certainpercentage of a quantity.
Fractions addition Y2017.3
The application generates randomfractions.A switch allows change between fractions with the same denominatorand fractions with different denominator.You must press the CHECK button to see if your answer isright.When you press the NEW button, a new random fractions aregenerated.When you press the NEW button twice, score is set to zero.A simple interface, text to speech included, helps students withtheir learning.
Square root Y2017.2
Learn how to calculate square roots using manual algorithm. Appgenerates random numbers.
Introduction to fractions:With this application I propose you not only playing withnumbersbut also with pieces of a whole. For example with cheesewedges.If you buy cheese wedges in 24 pieces, you will followthequestions with the wedges to reinforce your learning. Eachwholeunit, circle, has got 8 wedges. You can use the plus andminusbuttons to change denominator.Of course you can also use only your phone or tablet.You will learn to convert improper fractions to mixednumbersand, also, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.The application generates numbers randomly.
Prime and Composite Numbers 1.0
You have the following options:CONCEPT of prime number.COMPOSITE number definition.PRIME for knowing if a number is prime.FACTORIZATION for knowing a number factorization.CONGRUENCE generates a random problem about congruentnumbers.DIVISOR generates a random problem about divisible numbers.SCORE set to zero.CHECK you must press this button to know if your answer is right.Inthis case, the answer must be written in the spacebesideCHECKVOICE The big button of the bottom of the screen allows youtoselect your option and give your answer using your voice. Thevoicerecognition feature only can be used with an activeinternetconnexionHELP, only can be used with VOICE, allows you listening allthevoice commands.AUTHOR provides some information about the author.
SUDOKU 6x6 1.0
Each column and row has to have got allthedigits, letters or figures; as well as has to happen ineachcoloured square.If the number is correct, score will increase.You have to press NEW to generate a new sudoku.The application generates sudoku randomly,withoutrestrictions.Numbers, letters and shapes in colour help children tounderstandand make sudokus.Colored areas help to see the possible outcome for eachsite,allowing children to think and deduce the solution.Teachers and parents see the evolution if they use emailtofollow the activities and the results.Level is increased automatically, but can be adjusted totheinitial figures at any time.The use of different letters and shapes help toincreaseattention in the activities of children.The LETTERS option in the menu bar generates sudokuswithletters.The SHAPES option in the menu bar uses different shapesinsudokus.Numbers option generates sudokus with numbers.The SOLUTION option in the menu bar shows solution inanytime.The SCORE option in the menu bar sets the lowest level andscoreto zero.
Multiplication Tables Anthericum
This application help to learn multiplication tables. The button ofTABLE OF 1 shows table of 1, TABLE OF 2 shows table of 2 and so on.The PROBLEMS button generates a random question about the lasttable used and visualizes a CHECK button beside an space to placeyour answer. The CHECK button must be pressed to know if youranswer is right. The interface include text to speech. On thescreen bottom there is a button to interact with the voice. Thisfeature improves learning of children who don't read or don't writecorrectly and children with some vision difficulty. The voicecommands are: HELP to listen the commands that can be used byvoice. TABLE OF 1 to listen the table of 1. TABLE OF 2, TABLE OF 3... TABLE OF 10 are similar. PROBLEMS to listen a question aboutthe last table used. To answer this question you must press theVOICE button again and say the answer. ALL OF THEM to listen aquestion about any of the ten multiplication tables. SCORE to setthe score to zero. AUTHOR provides information about the author andhis last applications. The three last commands don't have anequivalent button and only can be used by VOICE. The possibility ofinteract with the voice is a great incentive to children. Internetconnexion is needed.
Subtracting fractions Daisy
The application generates random fractions.A switch allows change between fractions with likedenominatorsand fractions with unlike denominators.You must press the CHECK button to see if your answerisright.When you press the NEW button, a new random fractionsaregenerated.When you press the NEW button twice, score is set to zero.A simple interface, text to speech included, helps studentswiththeir learning.
If you need a loan or if you would liketoinvest and lend your money, you must know p2p lendingplatforms.This application offers links to more than 150crowdlendingwebsites.There are different kind of platforms, from micro creditsforpeople of emerging economies to factoring on small andmedium-sizedenterprises, personal loans, lower cost loans tobusinesses and,even, mortgages.This is a global tendency, a different approach to bankingthatis interesting to know.Domestic credit to private sector is about an average of 130%GDPin the world, that is, US$78.28 trillion in nominal terms in2014.Platforms of p2p lending have an small but increasing portionof allthat amount.You can borrow or lend money in a p2p lending platform fromacountry different of yours.If you enter nine figures from balance sheet and incomestatementof a company, you get twelve basic ratios about debt,liquidity andsolvency, that you can use to decide about yourlending activity inp2p lending platforms. These platforms alsohave external andinternal experts to evaluate loans.
Distributive property 1.0
You can use the buttons on the left tolistenand display a concept: parentheses, distributive,commutative,associative, addition inverse and multiplicativeinverse.The button of PROBLEMS generates a random question.You can use the big button on the bottom of the screen.Afterpressing it, say a command. They have the same name asthebuttons.Say the word help for hearing of all valid commands.The answers can be given using the same button. First, press thebigbutton, then you can pronounce the answer.There are commands that can be use it only by VOICE:SCORE to set it to zero.AUTHOR provides information about the author and hislastapplications.
Probabilities with a dice 3.5
Android app simulates rolling a dice of six sides and ask youanswer different questions about probabilities of get a value. Youcan see a register of the results that can be different to theexpected according to actual probabilities, but in the long termthe results will be similar to the expected ones.
Least squares regression Daisy
This application allows you to calculate the straight line ofordinary least squares regression (OLS) in samples of small size.After each value press the enter button . To get the results, pressthe enter button with an empty value. Use the C button to clear thevalue that you are entering at the moment. If you press C again,the last value or pair of values which has already been entered itwill be deleted. Press the N button to begin to introduce a newsample. Press the GRAPHIC button to get the graphic of OLS. Pressthe data button to enter data.
Android app allows you select operation type with powers, thenpress the button with the right answer to the randomly generatedproblem.
The maze of tanks 2.0
Your blued tank is in a maze with lot ofenemyred tanksYou can program games for various platforms with what youlearnto do from a MOOC.This game has been made during the course "Introduction togamedevelopment with Unity3D" ( to which have beenaddedknowledge of standard animations, coroutines, maintenanceofapplication variables and interfaces for mobile devices taughtinthe "UNY201.x of UPValenciaX" course. The final of the lastcoursewas overlapped with the first weeks of the course organizedby theUniversitat Jaume I.
Area 4.2
AREA You can get the area and plane of a polygon following each ofits vertices and getting its positions with the GPS of a mobiledevice. The application displays an estimation of absolute errorand the relative error in the measurements. Because GPS positionshave an error, the application is not useful for measuring smallareas. The app is helpful for the estimation of: - The areas ofland in agricultural or forest crops. - Land areas when there arenot sight lines between vertices (You cannot use telemeters). -Water areas on the sea. In other cases, you should seriouslyconsider the relative error in the measurements. Interfaceimproved: saved positions with feedback to user when there is aninternet connexion.
Currency converter 2.3
This application can be used as acurrencyconverter.It provides some dynamic links.Use YQL from yahoo to get economics data.The application provides links to central banks webs.Centralbanks try inflation and economic growth targets. You canaccess toimages of currencies and obtain some information about theNationthat issue that currency.There is a colour bar at the bottom of the screen. When thebaris fill in more than the half, the impulse of the first currencyisstronger than the impulse of the second one. The index value inthebar depends on the differences between the last exchange rateandthe rates of the last 52 weeks with an special consideration tothelast week.
Dictate Accounts 1.5
This application allows you do simpleaccountswith your voice, avoiding write all the quantities.To enter a sentence you must press the microphonebutton,pronounce the word and, then, make a pause to mark the endof thecommand.The sentences can be:- A quantity, per example, 120.- A command to indicate the operation that must be done:"Add","Subtract", "Multiply" and "Divide".This command indicate that the accumulated quantity untilthismoment, it will be added (subtracted, multiplied or divided) tothequantity that must be entered as the following command.If you do not say any of these commands, the defaultoperationwill be an addition.- Sometimes you would like multiplying by a number differenttothe accumulated quantity ("Elements"). This happens whenshopping.Per example, 4 packages of 20$. You must give thesefoursentences:Elements4Multiply20The result, 80, will be added (subtracted) to theaccumulatedquantity.- You have a voice command that read the contents of thescreen,all the account ("Listen").- To delete all the data and start a new account you have tosaythe word "Init".If you say the words "help", you will listen all the validvoicecommands.In the bar menu, there is an option to send the accountbyemail.If you would like entering decimal numbers, pronouncethequantity before the decimal point, the word "point" and, afterit,the quantity that follow the decimal point. Then, you must makeapause to mark the end of the sentence.